Banif among the world's most valuable banking brands

In the latest review prepared by Brand Finance, Banif Financial Group ranked as the 389th most valuable banking brand in the world. Banif SGPS is also the Portuguese Financial Group with the biggest improvement in the ‘Global 500 Banking Brands Index’, gaining 104 places over the 2008.
The “Global 500 Banking Brands Index” is a review of the top financial services brands in the world measured by both brand strength and brand value. This review is carried out by Brand Finance p.l.c, in association with The Banker Magazine, a prestigious international magazine.
This award is of more significance when considering that the year was characterised by a global financial and economic recession, which had a negative impact on major financial brands in the world. The evaluation of Brand Finance confirms that Banif maintained a strong position in a scenario of economic turbulence.
Banif Bank (Malta) p.l.c is a Maltese bank owned by the Banif Financial Group and prominent Maltese investors. The Bank opened to the public in January 2008 with the aim of becoming a key player in the Maltese market by offering fully-fledged banking services to personal and business clients.