
Banif offers a real treat this Christmas

December 3, 2010
June 20, 2023
Banif offers a real treat this Christmas

As a sign of appreciation for the trust shown in the Bank during 2010, a year during which Banif Bank has been named the Best Banking Group for Malta, Banif is making available a special term deposit with highly attractive rates and innovative features. The Banif Special Christmas Term Deposit gives you the opportunity to avail yourself of two different term deposit options.

The Banif 3- Year Special Christmas Term Deposit is an innovative term deposit account that guarantees an excellent rate of 4% gross per annum paid quarterly for a 3 year term, whilst giving you the opportunity to opt for a higher rate at every anniversary date, which would be equivalent to the interest rate for the Banif 1- year standard term deposit should this be higher than 4% gross per annum. In addition, the 3- year term gives you the flexibility to withdraw funds earlier whilst still earning an advantageous rate of interest.

The Banif Christmas Term Deposit is also available as a 1- year term with an attractive rate of 3.5% gross per annum paid at maturity. Both accounts can be opened with a minimum deposit of €3,000. More details about this deposit account can be found on the Bank’s website –, anyone of the eight Banif branches in Malta and Gozo, or by calling on 2260 1000.