Dr Michael Frendo


Dr Michael Frendo has been serving as Chairman of the Bank since May 2013. Dr Frendo is a former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Parliament of Malta (2010-2013) and a former Minister for Foreign Affairs (2004-2008). Dr Michael Frendo also held various other ministerial portfolios including Information and Communication Technologies, Transport and Civil Aviation, Culture, Broadcasting and Consumer Protection.


Dr Frendo is a lawyer by profession with a postgraduate specialisation in European Union law and has also worked and practised extensively in Telecommunications and ICT law. He has also worked in managerial positions in the private sector in both Malta and the UK. In the UK, between 1979-1982, Michael Frendo was part of the launching team of Eurolex (Thomson International), a pioneer European online, full-text searchable, legal database and was the author of its User Handbook. Dr Frendo is a signatory of the Treaty of Lisbon and was a member of the European Convention on the Future of Europe. He has published widely including a number of books and articles on European, diplomatic and legal issues.