ATM Upgrade Schedule

Transfers to Other Banks (NON-SEPA)
Personal BNF Internet Banking
EUR20,000 per customer per day. For payments in excess of this threshold kindly contact your Account Manager.
Cut-off Times
Please refer to the CUT-OFF TIMES page.
Same Day Value is only possible for EUR, USD, and GBP. EUR payments satisfying the SEPA criteria should be processed as a SEPA payment through the ‘Transfer to Other Banks (SEPA)’ option in the menu. For cross-currency payments, the Bank will use its official Forex Rates for the day.
For payments in a PSD currency remitted to a PSD country only the option Shared Charges (SHA) will be accepted. Please refer to our list of PSD COUNTRIES AND CURRENCIES and to our TARIFF OF CHARGES (please click on Payment Orders section).
Payment Confirmation
You may print a copy of the confirmation of payment by clicking on the printer icon.
This transfer is subject to verification by the Bank.
Business BNF Internet Banking
For payments in excess of your personal limit kindly contact your Account Manager.
Cut-off Times
Please refer to the CUT-OFF TIMES page.
Same Day Value is only possible for EUR, USD, GBP and CAD. EUR payments satisfying the SEPA criteria should be processed as a SEPA payment through the ‘Transfer to Other Banks (SEPA)’ option in the menu. For cross-currency payments, the Bank will use its official Forex Rates for the day.
For payments in a PSD currency remitted to a PSD country only the option Shared Charges (SHA) will be accepted. Please refer to our list of PSD COUNTRIES AND CURRENCIES and to our TARIFF OF CHARGES (please click on Payment Orders section).
Payment Confirmation
You may print a copy of the confirmation of payment by clicking on the printer icon.
This transfer is subject to verification by the Bank.